Saturday 22 December 2012




BA9201 Statistics for Management
BA9202 Economic Analysis for Business
BA9203 Total Quality Management
BA9204 Organizational Behaviour
BA9205 Communication Skills
BA9206 Accounting for Management
BA9207 Legal Aspects of Business
BA9208 Seminar I




BA9201 Statistics for Management
BA9202 Economic Analysis for Business
BA9203 Total Quality Management
BA9204 Organizational Behaviour
BA9205 Communication Skills
BA9206 Accounting for Management
BA9207 Legal Aspects of Business
BA9208 Seminar I


BA9221 Operations Management
BA9222 Financial Management
BA9223 Marketing Management
BA9224 Human Resource Management
BA9225 Management Information System
BA9226 Applied Operations Research for Management
BA9227 Business Research Methods
BA9228 Business Application Software
BA9229 Seminar II


Project report of the Summer Project is to be submitted by the students within 30 days from the commencement of the 3rd semester. Evaluation report should be sent to the Controller of Examinations by the HOD through the Principal, before the last working day of the 3rd semester.


BA9209 International Business Management
BA9210 Strategic Management
Elective I
Elective II
Elective III
Elective IV
Elective V
Elective VI
BA9211 Summer Project Report
BA9212  Seminar III


BA9230 Project Work

Estimation Theory and problem

In most statistical studies population parameters are unknown, and must be estimated through sampling. The primary goal of a sampling activity is to make an inference about something using the least amount of information possible. It is possible to draw valid conclusion about the population parameter from sampling distributions. The problem is to construct a sample quantity that will serve to estimate the unknown parameter. Such a sample quantity is called the estimator.
(i.e.) Any sample statistics that is used to estimate an unknown population parameter is called an “ESTIMATOR”.
‘ẍ’ Sample mean can be an estimator of the population mean ‘µ’
‘P1’- sample proportion can be an estimator of the population proportion ‘P’.
We can make 2 types of estimates about a population.
(i) Point Estimates and
(ii) Interval Estimates
Point Estimate:
Is a single number that is used to estimate an unknown population parameter, in other words, the estimate of a population parameter given by a single number is called the point estimate of the parameter.
For example, if a firm takes a sample of 50 salesman and finds out that the average amount of time that the each salesman spends with his customer is 80 minutes. If this figure is used for an estimate of all the salesman employed by the firm it is referred to as a point estimate because we are using one value to obtain the population value.
Often a point estimate is insufficient as it is either right or wrong. If the estimate is wrong we cannot be certain how wrong the estimate is.  Therefore a point estimate is useful if it’s accompanied by the estimate of error that might be involved.
A good estimator is one which is close to the population parameter being estimated. The desirable properties of an estimator are 
(a) Unbiasedness
(b) Consistency
(c) Efficiency
(d) Sufficiency
(a) Unbiasedness
An estimator is a random variable as it is always a function of sample values. Then if the average of these sample values is equal to the population parameter then it is unbiased estimate.
(b) Consistency:
As the sample size increases the difference between the sample statistic and population parameter should become smaller and smaller. If the difference continues to become smaller and smaller as the sample size becomes larger, the sample statistics is said to be consistent estimator of the parameter.
(c) Efficiency:
If the variance of the estimator is small, the distribution of the estimator will be better in  that the value to be closer to the parameter value.
(d) Sufficiency:
A sufficient estimator is one that uses all information about the population parameter contained in the sample. A sufficient estimator ensures that all information that a sample can furnish with respect to the estimation of a parameter is being utilized.

Interval Estimate
If an estimate of a population parameter is given by 2 distinct numbers between which the population parameter may be expected to lie then the estimate is called an interval or confidence interval or confidence limits.
It is a range of values with in which, with a known probability or to a known degree of reliance, the value of the population parameter is expected to lie.

1. In order to introduce some incentives for higher balance in savisngs account a random sample of size 64 savings account at a banks branch was studied to estimate the average monthly balance in savings bank accounts. The mean and S.D. of the 64 savings account were found to be Rs.8,500 and Rs.2000 respectively. Find (i) 90% (ii) 95% (iii) 99% confidence interval for the population mean. Ans. 90%-(8911.25, 8088.75)- 95%-(8990, 8010)-99% (9145, 7855)
2. The shopping bills of customers of a departmental stores are known to follow normal distribution with mean Rs.2000 and variance Rs.2,50,000. One day the first hundred customers bills are found to have an average of Rs.2,200. Can the first 100 customers be regarded as truely representative are random sample of the population of all customers.
                                  Ans. 2098, 1902
3. The Quality department of a wire manufacturing company periodically selects a sample of wire specimens in order to test for breaking strength. Past experience has shown that the breaking strength of a certain type of wire are normally distributed with S.D. of 200 kg. A random sample of 64 specimens gave a mean breaking strength of 6,200 kg. The quality control supervisor wanted a 95% confidence interval for the mean breaking strength of the population.                                                                               Ans.6249 kg, 6151 kg.
4. The average number of customers coming to a banks branch is found be 20/ hour. Determine 95% confidence limits for the number of customers in an hour.                                                                                                 Ans. 23.92, 16.08.
5. In order to improve the quality of items produced by a production process, sample of items are inspected and no. of defects in each item is recorded. One such example is the no. Of missing rivets on the body of a bus. If the average no. Of missing rivets in a sample of 4 bus bodies is found to be 25 then find 95% confidence limit for the no. Of missing rivets in a bus body. 
                                                                                                                Ans.29.9, 20.1
6. A manager wants an estimate of average sales of salesman in company. A random sample of 100 out of 500 salesman is selected and the average sales is found to be Rs.7,50 thousand. If population standard deviation is Rs. 150 thousands, manager specifies a 98% level of confidence. What is the interval estimate for the average sales of salesman? Ans. 781.289, 718.710
7. The Human Resource Director of a large organization wanted to know what proportion of all persons who had ever been interviewed for a job with his organization had been hired. He was willing to settle for 95% confidence interval. A random sample of 500 interview records revealed that 76 of the persons in the sample had been hired. Estimate the population proportion @ 95% confidence interval.                                                               Ans. 0.183, 0.121.
8. Out of 20000 customer ledger account, a sample of 600 accounts was taken to test the accuracy of posting and balancing where in 45 mistakes were found. Assign limits with in which the no. Of defective cases can be expected at 5% level of significance.                                                                        Ans. 0.097, 0.053
9. In an attempt to control the quality of output for a manufactured parts. A sample of parts is chosen randomly and examine in order to estimate the population proportion of part that are defective. The manufacturing process operated continuously unless it must be stopped for inspection or adjustment. In the latest sample of 90 parts, 15 detectives are found. Determine (a) point estimate (b) 98% interval estimate.             a). Ans.0.167 b). Ans. 0.259, 0.075.
10. Suppose we want to estimate the proportion of families in a town which has 2 or more children. A random sample of 144 families shows that 48 families have 2 or more children, Construct a 95% confidence interval. 
                                                                                                            Ans. 0.410, 0.256
11. A ball pen manufacturer makes a lot of 10,000 refills the procedure desire some control over these lots so that no lots will contain an excess number of defective refills. He decides to take a random sample of 400 refills for inspection from a lot of 10,000 and finds 9 defectives obtain a 90% confidence interval for the number of defectives in the entire lot.                  Ans. 347, 103
12. A sample of 150 items from machine A had an average life of 1400 hours a similar sample of 100 items from machine B has a mean life of 1200 hours. Past records indicate that the S.D of the items produced by machine A is 120 hrs.and by machine B is 80 hrs. Find 95% confidence limits on the difference in the average life time of the population of the items produced by the two machines.                                                                                  Ans. 224.696, 175.304
13. For assessing the number of monthly transactions in credit cards issued by a bank, transactions in 25 cards were analyzed. The analysis revealed an average of 7.4 transactions and sample S.D of 2.25 transactions. Find the confidence limits for the monthly number of transactions by all the credit card holders of the bank.                                                                              Ans. 8.34, 6.45

Determination of Sample size Theory & Problem

The determination of sample size for estimating a population mean or population proportion is a crucial question. By selecting a sample size lower than the correct size may affect reliability and higher size will mean more cost and time. The determination of the size of a sample is the most important factor for the purposes of estimation of the value of the population parameters.
            In order to determine the sample size for estimating population mean, the following factors must be known.
(i)                 The desired confidence level (Z)
(ii)               The permissible sampling error (u-) denoted by e
(iii)             The standard deviation σ or s.
We know
                        Z= where std. error =

Similarly for determing the sample size for estimating the population proportion, the following factors must be known.
(i)                 The desired confidence level (Z)
(ii)               The permissible sampling error e=P-P1
(iii)             The estimated true proportion of success (p)
We Know


  1. 1.      Mr. X wants to determine on the basis of sample study. The average time required to complete a certain job so that he may be 95% confident that the mean may be with in ±2 days of the true mean. The population variance is 64 days. How large should the sample be for his study.                           Ans. n = 62
  2. 2.      A company wants to determine the average time to complete a certain job. The past record show that the S.D of the completion time for all the workers in the company has been 10 days and there is no reason to believe that this would have changed. However, the company feels that because of the procedural changes the mean would have changed. Determine the sample size so that the company may be 95% confident that the sample average remains with in ±2 days of the mean.                                                   Ans.  n = 97
  3. 3.      A Pathologist wants to determine on the basis of sample study the mean time required to complete a certain analysis so that he may be 98% confident that the mean may remain with in ±3 days of true mean. As per the available record, the population variance is 81 days. a) What must be the size of sample for his study? b) How large a sample would be required if the precision is to be doubled.                                                                                         Ans.  a)  49   b) 196.
  4. 4.      With a sample size of 400, the standard error of mean is 2. What sample size would be required so that we could be 95% confident, that the population mean is with in ±3.5 of sample mean?                                                 Ans. n = 502.
  5. 5.      A Cigaratte manufacturer wishes to use a random sample to estimate the average Nicotin content. The sampling error should not be more than 1 milligram above or below the true mean with a 99% confidence  The population S.D is 4 milligram what sample size should the company use in order to satisfy these requirements?                                                     Ans. n =107.
  6. 6.      A firm wishes to estimate with a maximum allowable error of 0.05 and a 98% level of confidence. The proportion of consumer who prefer its product. How large a sample will be required in order to make such an estimate if the preliminary sales report indicate that 25% of all consumers prefer the firms product.                                                                                                     Ans.  n = 407
  7. 7.     A company believes that it holds about 30% share of colour TV market in a city. The company wishes to get a precise estimate of its share with in a margin of error 2%. a) How large a no. of household should be surveyed to get the desired estimate with a confidence of 95%? b)If the cost of contacting a household is Rs.20 what will be the total cost of the survey? c) If the budget for the survey is limited to Rs.10,000 what accuracy can be obtained by a survey with in the budget?                                     Ans. a) 2017 b) 40340 c) 0.040.
  8. 8.      The production manager of a manufacturing company wants to access the percentage of items which do not meet the specifications and are thus labelled as defective. He wants to be 95% confident that the percentage has been estimated to be within 1% from the true value. What is the most conservative sample size needed for the situation?                       Ans.  n = 9604  


Determination of Sample size Theory & Problem